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Custom Made Bobble Heads - An Efficient Way to Market Your Business
Time: 2016-09-11 Hit: 1379

A lot of people easily dismiss the thought of using custom-made bobbleheads to market their business. It's easy to understand why there's this belief that using these dolls is not efficient at all. You may be asking why you should spend on these figurines if you can just make pens with your company's name on them. Making pens is way cheaper so you can make more. If you have more, you can give it to more people and it will be exposed better.

But ask yourself this question - is quantity better than quality when it comes to marketing your business? Take a look around your home or office to see if you still have that pen given to you by a company last year. Chances are you already threw it away because it's not working anymore. Worse, you threw it away because you have no need for it. After all, you already have a lot of pens. Now if you’ve been given a customized bobble head before, ask yourself where it is. There's a good chance that it's still displayed prominently at your home or office. You're probably using the doll as a display or maybe even as paperweights of sorts.

Custom Made Bobble Heads - An Efficient Way to Market Your Business

This brings two major points. These figurines have bigger values compared to the other marketing tools. Because of this, it will be given more importance than something like a pen. They're more likely to keep it because who would throw away a customized bobble head? This means that your figurine will continue working for you years after you give them out. So even if you spent more for it, it's actually more efficient because it will market your business longer. The second point is more people will get to see them. These dolls that are prominently displayed at homes or offices will get the curious stares. A lot of people will get to see it and even play with it. With your company's name and slogan written all over, your message will reach more people.

With those two major points, it's getting clearer and clearer how custom-made bobble heads can be very efficient. With marketing and advertising, it's a matter of efficiency. You could be spending little for it but you're getting minimal results. On the other hand, you could be spending more for huge results. A customized figurine, although higher in cost, can give you bigger results. As a business, you're looking for big results. So don't be afraid to spend more.Save